The road from La Paz to Coroico proudly bears the twin monikers ¨The most dangerous road in the world¨ and ¨The Road of Death¨. Understandably then, Emma and I decided to spend today taking part in a 38 mile mountain bike ride on that self-same road.
In case you´re wondering, no, we´re not completely insane. Aside from being the Bolivian motorists favorite highway from which to plunge themselves and their vehicles down vertical escarpments hundreds of meters deep, the Road of Death also boasts some of the most spectacular scenery in Bolivia, combining, as it does, the incredible mountains of the Cordillera Real with the lush green hillsides of the lower mountain valleys.
Still, the Road did rather live up to its name. By the end of the six hour ride, one of our party was in hospital having his elbow sewn up, while three others were splattered in blood, having also taken high speed tumbles off their bikes - fortunately without also going headfirst down one of the aforementioned escarpments.
And the adventure didnt end there - in fact the most fearsome part was still to come - the three hour return journey up the road of death - in the DARK!!! For the first ninety minutes I could remember nothing of our six hour downhill ride, all I could think was PLEASE dont drive off this cliff, PLEASE DONT DRIVE THIS MINIBUS OFF THAT CLIFF.
Anyway, the driver, despite being accompanied by a high-volume Bolivian thrash-punk soundtrack, managed to get us home. And it WAS a great day. I would simply recommend you take a parachute if you are thinking of trying it some time.
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