I took the bus to work today. This may not seem particularly blogworthy to you, but I will confess that I drive my Acura MDX (not one of the worst polluting SUVs, but not one of the cleanest, either) to work at least three times per week, often for no really good reason.
Still not blogworthy? Okay, I watched the movie, an Inconvenient Truth last night. If you haven't seen it yet, you must. No, really, you must. It's about how we're killing the planet, one car, lightbulb, thermostat, shower and DVD player at a time. As Emma put it: "If there aren't tips to reverse global warming at the end of this movie then it's a total waste of time."
Luckily, Al Gore et al thought of that too and created www.climatecrisis.net. To save you the bother of searching the site I've captured the "Top 10 tips" in the graphic above. And in the spirit of my last social experiment (the one where I asked you whether we could actually do anything to influence politicians) I'm going to ask that everyone does one thing in the next week to reduce their CO2 emissions...and then keeps doing it.
And no, it does not appear that farting has any substantial impact on global warming, so there's no need to cut that out, unless of course it's a cause of conflict in your household already, in which case, cut it out stinky!
So, just switch off a light, or take the bus or something. Pass it on...
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