I can't blame Emma for forgetting all her earthquake etiquette the moment a 5.6 earthquake started rocking the house while I was on the phone to her from New York. I remember I did exactly the same thing in 2001 when I felt my first earthquake.
I remember Simon saying to me "Shouldn't you be leaving the house or something?" as I squealed somewhat excitedly down the phone. I looked out of my window and saw my neighbors had indeed run out into the street for fear that their home was about to collapse. "No...it seems to have stopped now" said I.
Anyway, tonight San Francisco had the biggest 'quake its had in about six years. I missed it, which would be a good thing, were it not for the fact I was having to shout: "Get down next to the sofa or the bed NOW!!!" to my wife over the phone. She claims she was finally lying down next to the sofa by the time we got off the phone, but I'm not so sure!!
Well, according to her blog she listened to you! :)
And I think this was the biggest since Loma Prieta (which collapsed the bay bridge).
Posted by: Steph | October 31, 2007 at 07:29 PM
Andrew didn't even move from the couch! I picked up the dog and ran to look out the window.
Posted by: Paige | November 01, 2007 at 02:46 PM
I suspect Andrew was smart to stay close to the couch...I think you're supposed to stay away from windows in a 'quake!
Posted by: David | November 01, 2007 at 09:17 PM
I thought you were in this meetin' bollocking around with prospective clients, and didn't even notice the bloody poofta "quake."
Posted by: Wales Wanker | November 12, 2007 at 05:37 PM